Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jackies Homecoming/Junior Year 2012


Mark and Jackie/Homecoming 2012


She had gone to her friend Dawn Dimicks Youth Conference.  The doorbell rings and Robert stops playing his video game long enough to check it out.  It was one of those rare nights where we were both home alone just doing our own thing.  I was watching TV and he was playing a game.  He gets down stairs and finds that Mark has left Jackie a cute request to go to Homecoming.  Well, as to not spoil things we left it on the stoop, but I did call her to say someone left something for her at the door and would she like her Dad to come and get her since the conference still had about an hour before it started.  She chose to be surprised later because they were already in their fun time groove.  This about drove me crazy with wanting to tell her, although she did scream loudly that she knew it was someone who had asked her to Homecoming.  She begged me to spill, but I didn't. 

The Question

The Answer

The Gang all had a great time.  First they took photos up at The Lakes.  Then they went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  While Logan and Emily went to represent Homecoming Court at the school the rest of them went to Marks' house to Karaoke.  They went bowling and then shared Messy Sundaes' at Sammy's Wood fire Pizza.  Angie (Dawn's Mom) Was the chauffeur. 
Left to right are Logan Epperson, Emily Adams, Adam Uranga, Dawn Dimick, Mark Wray, Jacklyn Lupton
Sing Away
Oh, And I made the Boutonniere

8/10/12 Alex and Caleb are engaged

The Ring

The Happy Couple

I'm only allowed to post the picture Alex tells me to.  She wants the invitations to be a surprise. I stole this post from her blog to share with my friends.  I couldn't have said it any better way.  

The Engagement

Caleb and I have been through a lot together. We met on March 27, 2009 at a Youth Conference Dance. We ended up dancing together like four times that night, and Caleb went home and had to search all over facebook to find me because he couldn't remember my last name. We started texting, and we really got to know each other. I knew pretty early on in our relationship that he was going to be the guy I was going to marry. We just had so many similarities, and Caleb has every quality that I have ever pictured in who I was going to end up with one day. It just so happens we met when I was 15, and yeah that seems a little young to know something so important in your life to me too. But it happened. And I haven't looked back with regret once since I met him.
So Like I was saying, we've been through a lot of stuff. It could be said that my parents were not too thrilled at the thought of me being so serious with a guy when I was 15... and a half.
But we dated anyways, because if you know, you know.
And he came to family events that we have done for many many years. Like the Gift of Lights and going to Utah to visit my family. And I did the same with his family.
And we went to dances together because that's what high school couples do.
(Formal 2010)
(Prom 2010)
We were cute together
(Sadies 2010)
And awkward together
(Also Sadies 2010)
I was there when Caleb got his call to serve a mission in Hartford, CT
And I was there to say goodbye when he left on his mission
And then Caleb left for two years and life went on
I had a life going to school, having fun with friends, getting jobs. Life did not stop because Caleb left, I'm pretty sure a lot of people think I spent a majority of those 2 years hidden in my room crying and listening to Coldplay at full blast. (I did listen to a lot of Coldplay incidentally, but because I like them, not because their music can be depressing)
People said we couldn't do it, that two years was two long. That I would write him off or that he would come back completely different and we wouldn't feel the same way about each other.
And I graduated high school and did a year at college!
And Caleb was on a mission, doing missionary things, because we both agreed very soon after we first met, that nothing was going to stop him from going on a mission, especially our relationship, because God comes first always.
And people told him we wouldn't make it two years because NO GIRL waits two years for a guy she never gets to talk to. Because I would find someone new and someone here.
He learned a lot of great things and taught a lot of really great people
And after two years he celebrated when he was about to come home
We wrote each other at least once every week for two years, and we learned that you don't need to be WITH someone every day to love someone.
You've already seen my post about his return. We celebrated together.
And we discovered that when he came back we were both very different people than we were before his mission. The great thing about it was that we loved these new people even more than the people we were before he left!
He's been home two months now. We've been on adventures and we've become closer than we were even before his mission.
Oh yes, and we became engaged on Friday August 10Th.

And now I must tell the story of the proposal because it was basically the best proposal I could have dreamed of and everyone else should know it too.
So all of last week I was sick, so sick I couldn't really leave the couch except to go to the doctor and the pharmacist. So sick I accidentally threw my debit card away, so sick that I didn't go to work really for four days. Friday afternoon I finally started to feel better after taking a ton of medicine that the doctor had given me, because let's be honest, I knew this proposal was coming relatively soon and didn't want to be sick for it. BUT, I had no idea that Caleb would pop the question that day after I had been sick for four days. So I went over to Caleb's so we could go to dinner because I hadn't really seen him all week, what with being sick as a dog and all.
I go inside and he tells me he needs to send his boss an email and to come on in. I walk in to the room where the computer and everything are and he's standing there and he says "Come look at this antique mirror my Dad got." And on the tall closet mirror door Caleb had made a frame that
resembled the Mirror of Erised from my favorite thing in the whole world, Harry Potter. And so we're standing there in the mirror and he turns and looks at me while I'm staring at the mirror and he says, "Let me explain, the happiest man in the world would be able to use the mirror of Erised as a normal mirror and see himself exactly as he was. Right now I am the happiest man in the world." And he got down on one knee and asked "Alex. Lupton. Will you marry me?" And of course I said yes, and of course I was crying because, seriously? A Harry Potter proposal I was TOTALLY surprised by. He did good guys. He did good.
Judge me if you want that I'm 18 and engaged, but I've known I was going to marry Caleb for three and a half years. I knew within the first two weeks that I met him. I knew for the whole two years he was gone and I only got to talk to him four times. I knew when my parents were forbidding me to see him three years ago. And I know now that this is the right thing to do and there's nothing and no one that could make me happier.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat.

Our favorite place to eat as a family!

Day 9 - The last thing I purchased

We had Wendy's for lunch today after the family unpacked the car from coming home from
Girls camp.

Day 8 - Your Mood Song

Hilary Weeks:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 7 - Your dream wedding. (vacation)

Hawaii - one day we plan on going on a honeymoon "vacation". We did not go on a honeymoon. A friend of ours loaned us her house for the weekend as she was in the Hospital. All I remember is sleeping away the day on Sunday because standing on my feet most of the day on Saturday was a killer. My hint to every new bride, take time to smell the wedding cake so you remember your big day.

Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.

My baby Babe! I need say no more, she if beautiful and I adore her.

Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago.

Not flattering at all.

Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Me and my bestie

Day 3 - your idea of a perfect 1st date

My idea actually did happen with Robert. The night after we met we decided to have a movie night at a friends house. I asked him to make sure he brought his own pillow because I don't share. At this point I am not sure what kind of girl he thinks I am, but I was staying at this friends house on the couch, so, I really did not have another pillow to share with him even if I wanted to. He shows up at my friends house when I looked through the peep hole he was holding a pillow in a Garfield pillow case on his pillow. I had my friends come to the door when I opened it and we all were giggling and he was standing there all shy, it was very very cute. Cannot remember what movie/movies we actually watched that night. Hmmm? I will have to think about that one... Oh, and, no I don't think this should be either one of my kids perfect first dates.... Just sayin!